Welcome to Mountsberg Raptor Centre's new blog! We plan on using this blog to share anecdotes about the Raptor Centre, talk about the birds themselves, and update everyone on the new and exciting things we have planned in the future!
Mountsberg's Raptor Centre is located within Mountsberg Conservation Area, and currently provides a home for approximately 30 non-releasable birds of prey. Many of these birds-- eagles, owls, hawks, falcons, and vultures-- have been damaged due to human impact on the environment, and are unable to survive in the wild due to their injuries. With the gracious support of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, we are able to provide these injured birds with a permanent home at our Centre. Some of our resident birds are tolerant enough to allow what we like to call a "nose-to-beak" experience-- not only can you come to our park and visit our birds, but we can also travel offsite with our birds for educational programs, bringing our feathered ambassadors right to you! Visit us at the Conservation Halton webpage for more information.
Currently, it's all hands on deck as the Raptor Centre prepares for our Grand Opening Event on Sunday, September 27th. This event celebrates the support of our donors, whose generosity made our new pens a reality! These new pens-- which we call 'the flights'-- provide housing for six birds of prey, and demonstrate the high quality of animal care we are dedicated to maintaining. We must also thank our dedicated construction crew, as the flights would certainly not exist without their tireless efforts and extremely hard work!
As always, we encourage visitors to come out to the park and see the Raptor Centre's resident birds-- but there's also lots more to see! Mountsberg Conservation Area has a playbarn and farmyard animals to meet, over 15km of beautiful hiking trails, a reservoir with fantastic fishing (season guidelines permitting), and lots more. We're looking forward to seeing you there!