Mountsberg Raptor Centre is proud to announce the arrival of a new resident-- a six-month-old Bald Eagle! After suffering a permanent wing injury, this juvenile female was initially cared for by members of Pays Plat First Nation, who gave her a traditional name: "Pawgwashiing Migizi", which means 'Eagle of the Shallow Water'. Thanks to many caring individuals, the expertise of both her veterinarian and wildlife rehabilitator, and the support of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Pawgwashiing was transferred all the way from Thunder Bay to her new permanent home at the Douglas G. Cockburn Centre for Birds of Prey.
Mountsberg is thrilled to be able to provide a home for Pawgwashiing, who will take approximately five years to develop the white head and tail that makes her species so distinctive. While she will not be on public display during her acclimatization and training period, we will post periodic updates and photos to chronicle her progress and development. We have high hopes for her future as an ambassador bird for Ontario's Species at Risk!
Would you like to help permanently non-releasable birds of prey, like Pawgwashiing? Please consider adopting one of our residents! Your generous donation contributes to the care and feeding of these important representatives of our natural world. Pick up your Adopt-a-Raptor brochure on your next visit to the park, or contact Conservation Halton Foundation Director Brian Hobbs for more information.